2024 GSOE Orientation

Graduate Programs

Current Graduate Students

Current students enrolled in SOE's M.A., M.Ed. (not tied to credential), and Ph.D program may access a full range of resources and forms on Canvas. If you have any problems viewing or using Canvas, please contact the Graduate Program Administrator. The Graduate Division also offers resources for students including GradSuccess, Graduate Writing Center, and GradQuant, which you can access at the bottom of the page.


Below you will find information relating to Dedoose, a cloud-based qualitative and mixed methods research program. The SOE is currently paying for SOE faculty, staff and enrolled student accounts. See the information below for details.

  • How to create an account through SOE

    For Those Without an Existing Account
    If you do not have a Dedoose account, please email Heather (heather.killeen@ucr.edu) to indicate your interest in signing up and download the application by visiting dedoose.info/account.

    For Those With an Existing Account
    If you have an existing Dedoose account, please email premiumsupport@dedoose.com from your Dedoose email account in order to be migrated under your organization's subscription.

    Account Migration
    If you have an existing Dedoose account under a personal email and would like to migrate your projects and/or your account to your organizational email, contact premiumsupport@dedoose.com for assistance.

  • Trainings & Resources

    Introduction to Dedoose

    This interactive training begins with a basic overview of Dedoose, including some of the advantages of how this cloud-based application can support qualitative and mixed methods research analysis. Topics include:

    • Overview and Homescreen Orientation
    • Importing Data
    • Coding (and coding in teams)
    • Managing a Codebook
    • Memoing Data visualization preview

    Watch the training here and access the PowerPoint slides here. Note: you must be logged into your UCR account to access the video and presentation.

    Additional resources:

    Data Preparation Tips
    Survey Data Preparation and Preview
    Coding Resources: Coding Various Media
    Coding Resources: Codebook Management 

    Advanced Use of Dedoose

    Introduces quantitative, categorical, and demographic components into your analysis, along with more advanced analytical features of Dedoose. Topics include:

    • Descriptors
    • Filtering data and creating datasets
    • Data visualizations
    • Exporting data
    • Survey data

    Watch the training here and access the PowerPoint slides here. Note: you must be logged into your UCR account to access the video and presentation.

    Additional resources:
    Survey Import Resources
    Descriptor Resources

Professional Development Series

SOE’s Professional Development Series is designed to provide support and tools to help SOE students prepare and succeed in their chosen career. A mix of faculty, post-docs, administrators, and professionals are invited to lead these panel discussions and learning sessions throughout the year. Learn about the most recent events below.


  • Alumni Panel: Experiences and Strategies for Advancing & Completing a Dissertation - May 2021

    Hear PhD alum share their experiences and strategies for advancing and completing a dissertation project, and offer pro tips for graduate students to better position themselves for competitive post grad opportunities.

    Alumni Panel:

    • Yasamin Bolourian
    • Suneal Kolluri
    • Guillermo Ortega
    • Sasha Zeedyk

    View the event here.

  • Grant Writing 101 - November 2021 & October 2023

    This session covers the basics of doctoral grant writing including how to search and apply for grants, application best practices, and examples of grants specific to education students.

    View the event here

    For additional fellowship and grant resources, check out the Graduate Division website.

    October 2023

    Updated presentation slide deck and materials can be found here.

    Additionally, a sample of the budget and timeline for a fellowship can be found here.

  • Gender Recognition Workshop - October 2022

    Director of LGBT Resource Center, Nancy Tubbs, presents and discusses the importance of gender recognition and pronouns. Download the PowerPoint presentation here.

  • Alumni Panel: Women in Higher Education - February 2023

    This hybrid panel was moderated by Associate Professor Raquel Rall featuring alumni with dynamic backgrounds in higher education. The panel answers the following prompts:

    • What support systems did you have as you transitioned into your role in education? What were your biggest transition challenges as it relates to support; identity/systemic oppression?
    • How have you been mentored and how have you mentored others?
    • What has been your greatest success and your greatest challenge in this role?
    • What are those opportunities or programs aspiring education professionals should be taking advantage of now to prepare them for future opportunities in this field?
    • If you had it do to all over again, would you take the same path or have the same career? Why or why not?

    Watch the event here.

  • Preparing Academic Job Application Materials Workshop - October 2023

    The “Preparing Academic Job Materials” workshop offers insight into the academic job search process as well as offer an overview of the most common application components: including CVs, cover letters, teaching statements, research statements, etc. The presentation is tailored to SOE students interested in pursuing faculty and administrative positions in institutions of higher education.

    Presentation slides and materials can be found here.

  • Alumni Panel: Getting to the Finish Line - February 2024

    Hear from recent alumni, Drs. Aya Shhub and Valeria Dominguez, and assistant professor Suneal Kolluri discuss their tips for "getting to the finish line" as they navigated graduate studies. This panel was moderated by Associate Dean Eddie Comeaux.

    View the video here. Passcode: ^fsmD.f6 

Meet Your Advisors

Have questions about your program status, degree progress or other administrative items? Contact the Graduate Program Coordinator for assistance. Need guidance on an unresolved academic related item or issue? Contact the Associate Dean.

Heather Killeen - profile picture July 2024

Heather Killeen

Graduate Program Administrator

UCR GSOE Professor Eddie Comeaux

Eddie Comeaux

Associate Dean, Graduate Students

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