2023 New Student Orientation

Info Sessions & Events

Info Sessions & Events

Attend an SOE Info Session to find out more about our graduate and teacher education programs. In-person and virtual info sessions are hosted by members of our admissions team and faculty throughout the year. Learn about the programs, faculty, career outlook, and more! Upcoming info sessions will be added to this page when available.

Graduate Programs Info Sessions

These sessions are for students who are interested in MA, MED and PHD programs that are not tied to a teaching credential. If you're interested in teaching K-12, please see the "Teacher Education Info Sessions" section and dates below this one.

Please email edgrad@ucr.edu to connect with the Graduate Program Coordinator if you have questions.



Teacher Education Program Info Sessions and

Bilingual Authorization (BILA) Information Sessions

To contact the Teacher Education team regarding upcoming info session, please email creded@ucr.edu.

BILINGUAL AUTHORIZATION: Join us for an info session to learn more about the requirements and benefits of a BILA Authorization on July 3 at 9 AM

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