Congratulations to Assistant Professor Wesley Simms whose proposal "Continued Validation of the Direct Behavior Rating-Classroom Management: A Mini Multi-Trait Multi-Method (MTMM) Study” submitted to the Early Career Research Awards Program of the Society for the Study of School Psychology (SSSP) has been approved and will be funded. According to a notification letter sent to Sims, “the nine-member committee that reviewed your proposal conducted a rigorous review of all submissions. Your success with this process indicates that your proposed research was reviewed as significant to the field, methodologically rigorous, and feasible.”
Sims received his Ph.D. in Counseling, Educational, and School Psychology from the University of Missouri in 2016. His research interests include improving educator service delivery practices within tiered service delivery systems, implementation science in educational settings, and assessment of educator classroom management behavior. Sims began his career as a practicing School Psychologist in 2005. As a practitioner, he has served a variety of schools and populations, and has garnered extensive experience facilitating school-wide, as well as individualized support services within tiered service delivery models such as PBIS, RtI, and MTSS. Sims is a former School Psychologist of the Year and state association President in Missouri.