Student Petitions and Forms
Undergraduate students in the School of Education undergraduate programs can fill out common petitions and specific forms (see the list below).
Change of Major/Minor Petitions
Information to Add a Minor in another College or School
Below are the links to learn about the minors available in other colleges and schools.
Bourns College of Engineering (BCOE) - Computer Science or Data Science
College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (CHASS)
College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences (CNAS)
School of Business (SB)
School of Public Policy (SPP)
Registrar's Office
Please visit the Registrar’s “Guide to Graduation” as well as the SOE undergraduate graduation page for details on the graduation application, deadlines, and diploma information.
Please visit the Commencement office website for details on the graduation ceremony.
This form is used to apply for readmission into the undergraduate major in the School of Education. Students who withdrew or were dismissed from the University should schedule an appointment with the SOE Academic Advisor to obtain details on readmission requirements specific to the student’s situation. The School of Education strictly adheres to readmission deadlines posted on the Registrar’s website. Please plan accordingly when scheduling an appointment with SOE Academic Advisor. FORM
This form is used to withdraw from the university. SOE undergraduate students who wish to withdraw should first schedule a meeting with their advisor. FORM
- Part-Time Status
Enrollment Adjustments
You can add, drop, or change classes in R’Web until the end of the add/drop period (through Friday of Week 2). LEARN MORE
Enrollment Adjustment Form
After the add/drop period, all changes must be made with an online Enrollment Adjustment Form (EAF). Undergraduate students can access the form beginning Wednesday of Week 2. There is a $4 fee after the Friday of Week 3.
Enrollment Adjustment Form with details and instructions can be found here.
Request for Late Changes
The changes listed below will require the completion of the Late or Retroactive Change(s) Petition:
- Add or change a class after week three
- Withdraw from a class after week six
- Change your grading basis after week eight
- Change variable units after week eight
In order to complete a late or retroactive change(s) petition, please schedule a virtual advising appointment with your primary Academic Advisor to obtain the petition and discuss the process.
You can schedule a virtual SOE undergraduate academic advising appointment here.