SOE writing Support

Writing Support

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SOE Writing Support

The School of Education (SOE) offers writing support to undergraduate Education, Society and Human Development (ESHD) majors in the form of one-on-one appointments and quarterly workshops.  SOE's Writing Support team has experience working with students from diverse backgrounds and supporting them in further building writing competency. No matter what level students are at, SOE Writing Support can help students build the necessary skills they need to improve as writers. We believe in the power of writing for change—to raise marginalized voices, bring awareness to social issues and participate in civic engagement.

One-on-one appointments can address any writing-related concerns including, but not necessarily limited to: understanding prompts, brainstorming, research skills, reading skills, developing thesis statements, creating an outline, revising a draft and overall academic time-management skills. Workshops address how to adhere to writing styles e.g., MLA/APA format, research best practices, how to incorporate research in a paper and more.

We are committed to developing content specifically for ESHD majors and can help students expand not only their knowledge of the field of education, but their ability to communicate such knowledge compellingly and effectively. We also work closely with students struggling in their English coursework to develop individualized support plans to ensure our students complete their Entry-Level Writing Requirement (ELWR) and English Composition coursework in a timely manner. SOE Writing Support services are specifically for ESHD majors and are offered in addition to the Academic Resource Center’s (ARC) services which are available to the entire undergraduate community. SOE Writing Support is a supportive service which not only supplements the tutoring services offered at the ARC, but partners with the ARC to develop workshops for ESHD majors.

ELWR/English Composition Requirements
  • Entry-Level Writing Requirement (ELWR)

    The Entry-Level Writing Requirement (ELWR) is a University of California reading and writing proficiency requirement that all first-year students must satisfy. This requirement is not an admissions requirement. The ELWR must be satisfied either before beginning courses on a UC campus or during the first year of enrollment. 

    • SOE Writing Support can help students who need additional support to complete the ELWR by working one-on-one with students to create an individualized plan to help each student meet their writing goals and excel in their English courses.
    • More information on the ELWR can be found here, or contact the University Writing Program (UWP) counselor, Sheena Thrush, at:
  • English Composition Requirements

    Undergraduates in the School of Education must complete breadth requirements as determined by the Executive Committee of the College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (CHASS). The English Composition series ENGL001A, ENGL001B, and ENGL001C are required to complete the Breadth Courses for the ESHD major and to fulfill the University’s writing requirement (a Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) course may be substituted for ENGL001C).

    • SOE Writing Support works with students through workshops and one-on-one appointments to ensure ESHD majors have the tools they need to successfully complete the ENGL001A/B/C series.

    More information on English Composition courses can be found here 

    More information on Breadth Course Requirements for the ESHD major can be found here

Writing Support Workshops

SOE Writing Support workshops are designed to help ESHD majors become successful writers for their Education courses, in their careers, and for life beyond their time at UCR. If you have an idea for a workshop, or want to see a particular area addressed, please email our team at

  • Mindfulness Workshop

    This workshop explores the relationship between mindfulness and writing. We will learn what mindfulness is, why it is important, how it benefits the mind, and how to employ it. We look at how to use writing for mindfulness and mindfulness for writing. We discuss how to use various types of writing as a mindfulness practice, but also how to use mindfulness practice to support our academic writing process. This workshop usually occurs toward the end of every quarter, just in time to relieve the stress of final papers. Come learn how to adopt mindfulness practices that will not only benefit your writing process, but your life overall!

  • Writing for Education Presentation

    This presentation is designed to orient students to the process of writing and creating knowledge in the field of education studies and will focus on identifying and evaluating prior scholarship, synthesizing this scholarship to respond to writing prompts, and reviewing writing to ensure optimal impact. This presentation is beneficial for students at all levels, but is especially helpful for first and second-years as they transition from English composition styles of writing to Education styles of writing. 

  • APA Format Workshop

    This workshop covers the basics of APA format, including how to properly incorporate in-text citations with either a signal phrase or a parenthetical citation, how to cite multiple authors, and how to construct a reference page. As formats tend to change frequently, this workshop will cover changes from the previous edition to the most recent edition i.e., the 6th edition to the 7th edition. This workshop is essential for all students in Education courses, as instructors note that APA format errors occur frequently in student papers. This workshop is offered twice per quarter. For information on upcoming workshops, please follow the ‘Schedule of workshops’ button above.

  • Research Best Practices Workshop-UCR Library Collaboration

    At this workshop, UCR Librarian, Michael Yonezawa, and SOE Writing Support Coordinator, Delaney Rood,  provide in-depth knowledge on effective research strategies, such as how to generate search terms, how to use Boolean operators, how to search using google scholar and the library databases (and the differences between them), and how to organize research. This workshop is essential for all students prior to beginning their upper-division Education coursework, however, it will benefit students at any point in their academic journey. Those students who are interested in pursuing graduate school will rely heavily on the skills obtained at this workshop. 

  • Reading Best Practices Workshop--Collaboration with the Academic Resource Center

    This workshop explores the crucial link between the reading process and the writing process in order to promote efficient and effective writing. ARC Assistant Writing Coordinator, Jay Spencer, and SOE Writing Support Coordinator, Delaney Rood, help students understand the main characteristics of research articles, how to use these characteristics to enhance the reading process, and how to employ pre-reading and previewing strategies. In addition, we look at active reading strategies and help students identify the strategies that will benefit them most in their own reading and writing practice. Finally, we emphasize the benefits of an engaged reading process for a more effective writing process.

Meet Our Team

Writing Center Director
Picture of Writing Center Director Bryan Asdel smiling at the camera wearing glasses and a dark shirt and blazer.

Bryan Asdel is the Writing Center Director for the School of Education at UC Riverside. Previously, he was Associate Dean of Academic Support Services at Barstow Community College. Bryan holds an MFA in Creative Writing with a concentration in poetry from Arizona State University. He has taught at community colleges, universities, and the Arizona State Prison Complex. He serves as a poetry editor for Iron City Magazine, a literary journal dedicated to creative expressions by and for the incarcerated. Passionate about making writing education engaging, accessible, and equitable, Bryan is committed to helping students of all backgrounds realize their potential and make meaningful contributions to their communities through the transformative power of language. 

Graduate Writing Mentor

Eric Davidson is the Graduate Writing Mentor at the SOE Writing Center. He is a Ph.D. candidate at UCR studying Higher Education Administration and Policy, and earned his M.A. in Higher Education and B.A. in Political Science - International Relations from the University of Arizona. His scholarship examines the philosophy and political economy of higher education through the lenses of sport, alternative culture, internationalization, and postcolonial thought. He is also an Instructor for SOE courses and a Research Associate at the UCR Center for Athletes' Rights and Equity. In his work with the Writing Center, he aims to foster each student’s intellectual growth by providing them with a collaborative space to advance their agency and voice through writing.

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