Enrollment Assistance
Each quarter students can participate in unique and exciting enrollment experiences in the field of Education. To better assist you with understanding how to participate in these experiences, we have provided the enrollment guidance in a frequently asked questions format. If you are having an enrollment issue with a SOE or EDUC course, complete the Enrollment Assistance Form.
What are the undergraduate courses SOE is offering during the current academic year?
Please view the Spring 2025 term schedule posted here.
Please view the Winter 2025 term schedule posted here.
Please view the 2024-2025 Course Overview posted here.
How can I have an Education course prerequisite cleared?
Students are responsible for meeting and/or clearing all prerequisites for any course in which they plan to enroll in prior to their registration date. Prerequisite evaluation can take up to 5 business days to complete so please plan ahead by submitting your request at least 4 business days prior to registration period to avoid registration delays.
If you received permission from an instructor to enroll, complete the Education Enrollment Assistance Form.
We will email you when the request is complete
I am an Education major and I need help registering for the upcoming quarter.
The Undergraduate Advising Team shares quarterly enrollment guides via email and the Advising eLearn portal to students in the major and minor.
To view the 2025 Winter Enrollment Instruction Guide, please click here.
To view the 2024 Fall Enrollment Instruction Guide, please click here.
What are the Learning Communities for Education Majors?
The first-year and transfer student Learning Community courses offer reserved seats, direct contact with crucial campus resources, and an opportunity to connect with your peers all geared at helping you thrive at UCR.
To learn more about the Learning Communities and the courses, please visit here.
If a course has seats reserved for a special population, how do I know if I am in the population?
Please review the "Schedule Notes" for a class in the Banner Class Schedule for the term of registration.
In the Banner Class Schedule, the course will have information in the "Schedule Notes" section of each class primary activity about what special population(s) the course has seats reserved. The "Schedule Notes" will also include information other important information about when reserved seats may or may not be released to general population and if there are any other important details you need to know before taking this course.
Schedule Example:
Where can I find information about course waitlists?
All About Waitlists -
Some full courses offer a waitlist option during registration. If so, you will either see a message inviting you to add yourself to the waitlist or the course status will read, "FULL COURSE WAITLIST OPEN- This course is full. A waitlist with (1, 2, 3, 4, etc.) students is available."Waitlist Essentials
- Add Yourself to a Waitlist
- Remove Yourself From a Waitlist
- Wait-Listing Linked Courses
- How do I enroll in a class I wait-listed for and got into
- What should I do if I missed my 24-hour deadline
- Being on a waitlist does not guarantee eventual enrollment in a course.
- Waitlist units do not count toward your max number of units allowed
- You will receive an email when you are being offered a seat off the waitlist. You will have only 24 hours to enroll in the course. If you do not enroll within the 24 hour timeframe you will be dropped from the waitlist and the seat will be automatically offered to the next student on the waitlist.
- Only waitlist yourself in one activity for linked courses. If a waitlist is available, it will either be on the lecture or on the smallest section of the linked course(s) only. For example, in a lecture/discussion pair, the waitlist will only be on the discussion since it is the smallest section. When you receive your space off the waitlist for the discussion, there should be an available seat in the lecture for you as well. You must register for all linked courses when you are registering for a class after having been on the waitlist.
What Does It Mean When the Seat Status Shows an (!...) Symbol and Has an Active Waitlist?
When you see an exclamation mark followed by three dots (…), it means the open seat is not available to the general public, and an invitation for enrollment has been sent to the next person on the active waitlist. The waitlisted student has 24 hours to respond to the enrollment notification. Failure to action, the waitlisted student will be dropped from the waitlist and a new notification will be automatically sent to the next person on the waitlist for that discussion section.
How do I receive permission to enroll into 171, 172, 177, 178, or 179B?
EDUC 171, EDUC 172, EDUC 177, EDUC 178, and EDUC 179B: These are classes that require K-12 Classroom Observation or Interaction. Typical interactions will require students to observe and interact with students aged K-12. Because of these interactions, a UCR student will need to complete CANRA (Training #1) and Respond to a Crisis - Active Shooter Video training (Training #2) prior to enrollment.
Please complete Training #1 and Training #2 (directions are below). You will want to save the certificate you earn from each training. Then complete this form to request permission to enroll into EDUC 171, 172, 177, 178, or 179B.
If you have already completed both trainings from a previous course, then complete this form to request permission to enroll into EDUC 003, 171, 172, 177, 178, or 179B.
Training #1
Child Abuse and Neglect Report Act (CANRA):
Mandated Reporter Online TrainingThere are five modules to complete. Each module will take you approximately 30-35 minutes (or less if you are familiar with CANRA policy). You can pause your training and continue working on the modules at convenient times.
You are required to complete the following five (5) modules
- California Mandated Reporter
- Hello My Name Is Sam
- It Happened to Me
- Keeping Your School Safe
- Social Media Safety
1. Go to https://www.praesidiumacademy.com/redeem.
2. Fill in your contact information including First Name, Last Name, Email Address, and desired Password.
We recommend registering with your UCR email address.
3. Enter the appropriate registration code for your organization.
Our Registration code is: reg-ucr-educ
4. Click Validate to confirm registration code.
5. Click the checkbox to agree to the Terms & Conditions.
6. Click Redeem.
7. Write down your user login and password for future reference.- Answer the Registration Questions about your status and role within the organization.
- Under Employee Type, select ‘Volunteer’
- Under 'Are you a full-time or part-time employee/volunteer?', select ‘Part-time’
- Under 'Which category best describes your role?', select 'Other'
8. Click Save & Continue.
9. To begin taking training immediately, scroll down and click a course to start the content.TO LOGIN FOR TRAINING:
- Go to https://praesidiumacademy.com
- Click on “Sign In.” (located at the top right)
- Enter your login and password. (The login and password you created during self-enrollment.)
- Scroll down and ‘Click’ on the title of the course you need to view and complete. Remember there are five individual courses you need to complete.
- After successfully completing the quizzes at the end of the five modules, you can access the completion certificate.
- From the main page, after you login to https://www.praesidiumacademy.com/ click on ‘Transcript.’
- From the Transcript page and only after you have completed the five modules.
- You can email the PDF certificate to yourself.
- Or ‘Save as a PDF’ to your computer.
- We need the certificate with the five modules completed with your name on it.
Training #2 - Respond to a Crisis
To complete the Respond to a Crisis - Active Shooter Video training and earn the certificate you have to watch a 15 minute video and complete a quiz to check for your understanding of the content in the video. If you pass the quiz with 100%, you receive a certificate emailed to you. If you do not pass the quiz with 100%, you can retake the quiz until you achieve 100%.Video to Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=raoiDLDn0I8&feature=youtu.be
Complete the Quiz at https://forms.gle/mVT7Fk7cFmEj6Hqs5
As a reminder, once you complete training #1 and training #2 or have previously completed both trainings: You will want to save the certificate you earn from each training. Then, complete this form to request permission to enroll into EDUC 171, 172, 177, 178, or 179B. -
How do I enroll into an EDUC 190 (Special Studies) course?
Please visit the EDUC 190 section on the SOE Student Petitions and Forms page. To learn more, go here.
How do I enroll into EDUC 003?
EDUC 003 (IMAGINING TEACHING: SCIENCE/MATHEMATICS EMPHASIS) is part of the CalTEACH Science-Math Initiative Program. Contact Leslie Bushong at leslie.bushong@ucr.edu for more information regarding enrolling into this course.
How do I enroll into EDUC 102?
EDUC 102 is Democratic Pedagogy: Developing R’Courses
More information about this course is at https://se.ucr.edu/rcourses/create
If you would like to request permission to enroll in EDUC 102 course, please contact rcourses@ucr.edu.
How do I enroll in EDUC 198 R’Course?
Education R’Courses are numbered starting with EDUC 198. Please see the details and schedule notes section in the Class Schedule at http://classes.ucr.edu.
Where do I receive information about Online Cross-Campus Courses?
Online Cross-Campus Courses are classes that offer undergraduate UCR students who have completed at least 1 full time quarter and are in good academic standing with full time enrollment, the opportunity to enroll 1 online course per quarter hosted by another UC campus. To learn more about this experience please visit the Registrar’s website.
Where do I find information about concurrent enrollment for UCR matriculated students?
A concurrent enrollment request and petition is necessary when a student wishes to receive UCR credit for any course taken at another college institution, including UCR Extension, while the student is in residence at UCR (Fall, Winter, or Spring). You can submit a request via this form.
Where do I find out about University Extension Concurrent Enrollment?
Concurrent enrollment for non-matriculated students is managed by the University Extension.
Undergraduate Courses:
Current UCR students have enrollment priority over concurrent students. Seats are not held for concurrent students and you will not be allowed to add until current students are accommodated, which can be through week 3 of the quarter. Attendance to the lecture and a discussion/lab section are required for enrollment consideration. The SOE Enrollment Manager consults with each instructor regarding course participation before considering a petition for approval or denial. SOE Enrollment Manager is Samantha Jobelius and you contact her at educenroll@ucr.edu.
More information on the overall process and forms to use can be found on the University Extension Concurrent Enrollment page. -
How do I find out about summer enrollment?
Enrollment at UCR: The UCR Summer Session has information about taking class on campus during the summer term at http://summer.ucr.edu.
Where do I find out about information about enrollment in Internships?
If you are curious about internships, or want to know if you can earn credit for a particular one, please contact the Career Center or your Academic Advisor.
How do I find out about placement exams for Foreign Language and Math?
Please visit the UCR Placement Exam Information site.
How do I get help with enrollment issues for non-Education courses?
English Writing Courses, such as Basic Writing, ENGL 004, ENGL 001A, ENGL 001B, and ENGL 001C, contact Sheena Thrush, UWP Counselor, sheena.thrush@ucr.edu
Bourns College of Engineering
College of Humanities & Social Sciences (CHASS)
College Natural & Agricultural Sciences (CNAS) Enrollment Management Center
School of Business
School of Public Policy -
My question has not been answered and I still need enrollment help.
Please send an email inquiry to the SOE Enrollment Manager at educenroll@ucr.edu. Please note, the Enrollment Manager for SOE can only assist you with enrollment issues for Education courses. If you need help with a course outside of SOE and Education, you will be redirected to your academic advisor or the home department of the course. Please allow up to 3 business days for a response.